If you were to ask me now, 528 Recordings was intended to be more of a social experiment than anything. It was my attempt to bridge together my career in sound and a new found interest in spiritual sciences by consciously living out an experience. This was 2013 and I was in a much different place than I am now. There was an urgency to change my life into something different and creating 528 recordings was my answer to it at the time.
The name comes from the 528hz Solfeggio frequency which is derived from a scale used in ancient musical notation. This specific tone has been coined as the “Love" frequency and is said to have transformative healing properties. I wanted to explore ways in how I could utilize this concept and incorporate it to my work. The more I learned to live from my heart the more love I felt being reciprocated in my work place and in turn the more I felt as though my social experiment was becoming my new reality.
I decided to use cymatics as a theme to visualize how my new reality was crystallizing from formlessness into form, vibrationally bridging the gap from the unmanifest into the manifest. I used a mixture of intention, visualization, and action to pull in these ideas into form, laying the foundational essence from within myself, and then creating space for the physical reality to catch up and harmonize. I then spent years creating interactive Cymatic installations, solfeggio frequency healing music, and offering my recording services in exchange for other healing modalities, which successfully pulled me away from what initially inspired this desire to shift my reality and replaced it with a brand new one.
"Everything is energy and thats all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality, it can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics" - Albert Einstein
"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla